Logo de L'Orsa Minore

Ultimo Aggiornamento: Monday, 29-May-2006 06:13:26 PDT

Emergency in Mozambique

Dear Colleagues, Surely you are aware of what it is going on in Mozambique. This time again, we have the opportunity to send money directly to a group that would use it for its true final scope: helping people locally through the functioning of hospitals!
Here you can find some information that will help you to help us:
Therefore, in addition to earmarking an amount in its budget EVG wishes to apply to your generosity and calls for financial help from everyone! Those who have the intention to contribute, even with a small amount, should be so kind as to either delivery the chosen amount directly to Luis Steindl (EVG Treasurer), or put it in the EVG bank account no. 038725/30 at Banca di Roma, specifying that it is for Mozambico.

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