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Raffle for the allocation of Laptop and Desktop ESA


Last Update: Monday, 10-Jul-2006 07:53:18 PDT

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Dear all,
after the kind donation of ESRIN Administration, EVG (Esrin Voluntary Group) is pleased 
to organise a raffle for assigning 10 ESA Laptops and 8 ESA Desktop.

The configurations are:
Laptops  (in decreasing order of performance):
- N. 2 Latitude C400: PENTIUM III P1200, 20GBHD, 512 MB RAM, Docking + CD Drive
- N. 2 Latitude L400: PENTIUM III P700, 20GBHD, 128 MB RAM, Docking + CD Drive
- N. 1 Latitude L400: PENTIUM III P700, 20GBHD, 512 MB RAM, Docking Yes/No bag
- N. 5 Latitude L400: PENTIUM III P700, 20GBHD, 128 MB RAM, Docking Yes/No bag

Desktops  (in decreasing order of performance):
- N. 3 Optiplex GX150+L: PENTIUM III P1000, Monitor 17" Philips BRILLANCE 107
- N. 5 Optiplex GX150+L: PENTIUM III P1000

The raffle is organised to assign the laptops and the desktops accordingly to the best-offer ordering scheme.  
The closure date to the receipt of the offers is 06.07.2006 18:00 (e-mail timestamp will be used).
The offers have to be sent via e-mail specifying:
a) Number of laptops desired and Offer for each laptop
b) Number of desktop desired and Offer for each desktop

For each type of system (laptops and desktops) units will be assigned in order of decreasing 
performance starting from the highest offer down to the lowest.  In case of offers with 
the same amount, priority will be given to offers arrived ealier (mail timestamp will be used).

Winners will be notified by end of 7/7/2006.  Units will have to be collected 
by the winner (or delegated person) before 12/7/2006.   

Raffle results

Considering the high number of offers received (much higher than the number of available equipment) EVG has decided to increase the number of laptops (L400) and desktops, originally allocated to Donations.

The actual full list of offers, with the winners is available on on-demand.
Winners have been notified personally.

Thank you for your kind participation.



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