World of Possibilities Expo 2005 and 2006 - Update

Last Update: Monday, 29-May-2006 06:13:13 PDT


From the communication of CaringCommunities - Mona Freedman (
Free Wheelchair repair services at both our expos! 
Mr. Bobby Matthews of Choice Marketing and Sales and Caring Communities will offer 
this most valuable service FREE to our attendees. 
Tell everyone!! Donations are greatly appreciated to help us serve children
with disabilities and their families.

Our most recently scheduled WORLD OF POSSIBILITIES EXPO will be held at the 
Landmark Mall in Alexandria, Virginia, November 4-5, 2005. 

The Baltimore WORLD OF POSSIBILITIES EXPO will be held at the 
MD State Fairgrounds, Timonium, MD on May 19-20, 2006. 

Mark the date. Our past Expos were great successes! We are pleased to again be
hosting these very exciting events that are free to the public!  

New this year, we are adding a Senior Expo to be held in conjunction with
our Disabilities Expo at the Landmark Mall. We are very excited about this new venue as it
Easy access off I-395
Two hundred sixty thousand cars passing by each day 
Ninety buses going to and from the mall daily-take Metro shuttles to the
Expo from the following locations:  7A, 7F, 17A, 17B Pentagon, 25B Boston, 25B Van Doren
& 29K King St. 
Ample accessible parking has been arranged for the Expo attendees. 

The WORLD OF POSSIBILITIES Expos are dedicated to improving the lives of
children and adults with disabilities, seniors, their families and caregivers, as well
as health care and education professionals.
The Expo will provide an opportunity for thousands of attendees to explore
a vast array of products and services such as: assistive and adaptive technology, durable
medical equipment, computer software, mobility products, living aids, nursing care
and assistive living facilities, Elder Law resources, recreation, travel, nutrition, and
more all conveniently displayed to see, touch, and compare in a one-stop shopping experience. We
would like to highlight as many local resources and support services as possible.  This
will give individuals who do not typically have easy access to comparison-shopping a hands-on
opportunity to try devices and speak directly to equipment representatives about the
products and services. 

WORLD OF POSSIBILITIES will also offer demonstrations, and representatives
from local and statewide agencies/organizations to assist the disabilities/senior
communities in gaining more information about supports, services and resources that 
they may need now or in the future.
Caring Communities, Inc. is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization that
enhances the ability of families of children with disabilities ages birth to 21 in Maryland, DC and
Virginia. Please visit  for more information. Please
contact us at 410- 549- 5707 or 1-866-227-4644.
We would appreciate it if you would please begin announcing this event to
your target population.  Expo passes, for a chance to win free door prizes, are
available on  If you could possibly add this information to
your website and/ or newsletters, it would help us to get the word out.
Thank you so much!



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