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Questions and Answers

Last Update: Monday, 29-May-2006 06:13:18 PDT

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This is the content of an Answer we provided. It is a way to share with others the problem someone has, so that not only the help (or solution) found for someone may become useful to other people, but also that other people may contribute with their experience to find better solutions. For privacy reasons, the detailed information on the originator have been omitted, but who would like get in touch with him/her, may do it through us.

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Thank you and have a nice day.

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Dear Sir,
Could you please refer me to any website or phone number in Toronto where I
can get the application form for Parking Permit for people with disability
here in Ontario. I really appreciate your help. I was browsing on the
website and this is why I came accross your website and email.

Answer: - 15.10.2002
We have found the following addresses that can help you.
http://www.city.toronto.on.ca/faq/parking.htm (see the section for people with disability)
And in particular  -> http://www.mto.gov.on.ca/english/faq/index.html#DisabledParkingPermits1

We have added an extract of the text (refer to the original document anyway):

How can I obtain a Disabled Parking Permit?

                            Applications for permits can be picked up at any MTO Driver & Vehicle Licence
                            Issuing Offices. Completed applications can be taken to any Driver & Vehicle
                            Licence Issuing Office, or sent to : 

                                 Ministry of Transportation
                                 P.O. Box 9800
                                 Kingston, Ontario
                                 K7L 5N8

                       Under what circumstances will a disabled person parking permit be issued?

                            To an individual who meets the following criteria: The applicant must be unable to
                            walk without assistance for more than 200 metres (218 yards) in eight minutes or less
                            without great difficulty or danger to his or her health or safety. His or her condition
                            must be certified by a doctor. Please note that a person's age does not qualify him or
                            her for a permit. Applicants can apply even if they do not own a car or have a driver's

                            Non-profit Organization: An organization operating on a non-profit basis to provide
                            transportation services to disabled persons may be issued a number of permits equal
                            to the number of vehicles owned or leased by the organization.

                            Corporation (Company): A company may be issued a number of permits equal to
                            the number of vehicles owned or leased by the company primarily to provide
                            transportation services to disabled persons.

                            Temporary Disabled Person Parking Permit: A temporary disabled person
                            parking permit will be issued for a maximum of 60 days in the following

                                 At the time the application is submitted to a ministry Driver and Vehicle
                                 Licence Office. 
                                 If a permit has been printed and mailed but the applicant has not received it. 

                       How does a visitor to Ontario obtain a Disabled Person Parking Permit?

                            These permits ensure that people with disabilities have a unique entitlement to
                            designated parking throughout Ontario (specific parking privileges vary depending on
                            the municipality or parking lot owner). The Ministry of Transportation (MTO) issues
                            disabled person parking permits to out-of-province visitors for a maximum of six

                            You may apply for a disabled person parking permit if you have a physical disability
                            that prevents you from walking unassisted for long distances. In most cases, a visitor
                            may obtain a permit if they prove that they hold a currently valid permit, number
                            plates, marker or device, bearing the international symbol for access for the disabled,
                            issued by the visitor's home jurisdiction, or if they prove that they are from another
                            jurisdiction and are disabled.

                            You may apply for a disabled person parking permit even if you do not own a car or
                            have a driver's licence. These permits are issued to individuals, not vehicles. A
                            "portable permit" issued to disabled individuals ensures their ease of access from any
                            vehicle at any time.

                            Applications for disabled person parking permits may be obtained at any Driver and
                            Vehicle Licence Office in Ontario. You can also obtain permit applications by
                            contacting MTO INFO, toll-free, at 1-800-268-4686. Upon receiving the
                            application, complete section one, have a doctor complete section two, and mail it to
                            MTO, P.O. Box 9200, Kingston, Ontario, K7L 5K4. The application form can also
                            be returned to any Driver and Vehicle Licence office.

                            There is no charge for disabled person parking permits. MTO is doing all it can to
                            promote the mobility and equality of people with disabilities throughout Ontario.

Thank You,



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