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Disability - Disability Aids

Last Update: Saturday, 08-Jul-2023 04:56:39 PDT

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One of the most difficult things when we have a problem is to find tools and information helping us to solve it.
This series of pages aims at offering such a service: helping those who are less lucky and those who works to help them in finding in an efficient way what they need.
A step at a time we will succeed in making this site growing as we wish... for the time being please be patient if something is still not available.

Should you need any explanation, I'm here...

Thank you and have a nice day.

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pink ball General New Information arrow
blue ball Mobility Problems
cyan ball Visual Problems
green ball Hearing Problems
yellow ball Cognitive and linguistic Problems

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See also...

orange ball Software

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pink ball Financial Resources for people with disabilities New Information arrow
pink ball Home safety for people with disabilities - Basement Guides: Adapting an house to support people with disabilities
pink ball Disability Friendly Home Modifications - Adapting an house to support people with disabilities
pink ball From the editor of "HomeAdviceGuide":
small pink ball Grants for Home Modification: 16 Resources for Homeowners with Disabilities
small pink ball Kitchen Safety for Disabled Children (15.01.2022 - link no more active: www.homeadviceguide.com/kitchen-safety-disabled-children)
pink ball Yufhufhu! - Music keyboard of the future - Innovative idea for people with visual or earing problems [Italian]
pink ball Verbal scheme dattilofonico "ieaouh" - Innovative idea for people with visual or earing problems [Italian]
pink ball Yufhufhu! Combinatory keyboard - Innovative idea for people with visual or earing problems [Italian]
pink ball Genesis srl - Accessories and tools in support to people with disability [Italian] (15.01.2022 - link no more active: www.genesis-chid.eu)
pink ball SIVA - Italian Web Portal of assistive technologies. Includes a search engine for products supporting people with disability [Italian]
pink ball Axistive
small pink ball Axistive Assistive Technology News Portal offers free news, articles, product reviews and all product and vendor information of assistive technology devices. Here you will find objective information on how to use and find devices that make the use of, and access to the digital world easier.
pink ball Toby!Churchill - portable communication and environmental control aids for people of all ages with speech and physical disability (15.01.2022 - link no more active: www.toby-churchill.com)
pink ball QualiLife - Assistive and adaptive technology products, computer access equipment, etc. [English, German, Italian, French] (15.01.2022 - link no more active: www.qualilife.com/home/index.cfm?lang=en)
pink ball RehabTool.Com - assistive and adaptive technology products, augmentative and alternative communication devices, computer access equipment, multilingual speech synthesis and voice recognition software, etc.
pink ball Mondo Ausili - Informatic aids for people with disabilities [Italian]
pink ball EASTIN - European Assistive Technology Information Network [Multilanguage]
pink ball Apple Disabled support
pink ball Microsoft Disabled support
small pink ballIE 4.0 [Italian]
pink ball IBM Accessibility Center
pink ball ELSA Database with useful information for professionals, associations and users containing references to law, technical information and products catalogue [Italian]
pink ball Tiflosystem S.p.a. Hi-Tech Company in the handicap area [Italian]
pink ball Leonardo Informatics and Communicaiton Aids, Teaching Software [Italian]
pink ball Electronic aids for people with disabilities [Italian]
pink ball Aids for disability - ENEA [Italian] (15.01.2022 - link no more active: andi.casaccia.enea.it/ANDI/TECNO/INNTECH/Inntech.htm)
pink ball Java - API for disability support
small pink ball SUN extends use of JAVA power for the users with disabilities
small pink ball Java - Accessibility API .
small pink ball Assistive Technology Definition
small pink ballJava Accessibility Utilities 1.0
pink ball Text-to-voice systems Elanspeech (15.01.2022 - link no more active: www.elanspeech.com)
small pink ballProverbe Speech Dial & E-Mail
pink ball ARS - Aids, Research and Servics for disabled [Italian] (15.01.2022 - link no more active: www.ausilionline.it)
pink ball ENEA - Technologies for the daily life [Italian] (15.01.2022 - link no more active: andi.casaccia.enea.it/ausili.htm)
pink ball BT - British Telecom - Index to the BT guide for people who are disabled

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Mobility Problems

blue ball 1800 Wheelchair
blue ball Centaurus - solutions for the mobility - Stair climbers, elevators, scooters, house aids, and other special mobility aid equipments for people with mobility limitations [Italian]
blue ball Otolift - Stairs elevators - Elevators for people with mobility limitations [Italian] (15.01.2022 - link no more active: www.montascaleotolift.it)
blue ball OffertaRapida (rapid Offer) - Elevators - Elevators for people with mobility limitations [Italian]
blue ball G.G.M - Elevators for people with mobility limitations
small blue ballGGM S.r.l. - Via Matteo Galdi, 18/B - 84081 BARONISSI (SA) - Italy - Tel: +39 089 956187 - Fax: +39 089 9565509
small blue ballOther contacts: info@ggmmontascale.it - info@ggmascensori.it - www.ggmascensori.it
blue ball StairliftExperts - Reliable And Efficient Stairlifts
blue ball Noleggiami.eu - Car rental for people with disabilities [Italian] (15.01.2022 - link no more active: www.noleggiami.eu/cosa.asp)
blue ball Extrema - Removing accessibility barriers for elderly and people with disabilities [Italian]
blue ball AIDA - Aids and Informatics for people with disabilities and Elderly - [Italian]
blue ball Mobile elevator for swimming pool - from DiGi Project [Italian]
blue ball Mobility Trend - Aids for the access, transportation and mobility of people with disability [Italian] (15.01.2022 - link no more active: www.mobility-trend.com)
blue ball Musical Dorica - Special tools for turning pages automatically [Italian] (15.01.2022 - link no more active: www.readysystem.it/templates/default.asp?id=115&template=msd&cartella=musicaldorica&lang=i&btn=740)
blue ball Rolfi Roma - Special automotive for people with disability [Italian]
blue ball ASL RomaH - Special driving licenses for people with disability [Italian]
blue ball Dal Bo Mobility Systems - Transformation of veiculars for people with disability [Italian]
blue ball Generazione Più - Aids for the daily normal activities and for fitness [Italian]
blue ball AIDA - FaceMouse - Intelligent aid allowing to communicate with and manage a Personal Compouter, without hands, voice or sensors. [Italian]
small blue ball Brochure and Formal presentation Event [Italian]
blue ball Garage Sora - Modifications for the transportation of the wheelchair bound disabled.
small blue ball Loan vehicles equipped for people with disability - (14.03.2005) [Italian]
blue ball Europsan, Roma - Wheel chairs and aids for disabled. (15.01.2022 - link no more active: www.italmarket.com/health/europsan)
blue ball The Wheelchairs guide
blue ball Kivi, Prov. Asti Special mobility set-ups [Italian]
small blue ball Direct communication by Kivi (12/2000) [Italian]
blue ball Fiat Autonomy Cars set-ups and services for disabled [Italian]
blue ball Focaccia, Cervia (RA) Mobility Solutions [Italian]
blue ball Carrozzeria Riste' Eraldo e Figli, Jesi (AN) Special cars set-ups [Italian]
blue ball LEA Ausili, Novellara (RE - Italy) Manifacturing and distribution of aids for disabled [Italian] (15.01.2022 - link no more active: www.leausili.it)
blue ball Kempf Katalavox Vocal recognition System to control wheelchairs and electrical functions in cars
blue ball Auxilia SW aids for communication and learning [Italian]
blue ball AIDA Aids and SW for disabled and elderly [Italian]
small blue ball Presentaion and Key Products (Communication on 29.10.2003)
blue ball Finestre Aperte (Open Windows) Software Inntech to help Disabled people in the interaction with Computers, both in case of motion diseases and in the ones of learning disorders [Italian]
blue ball S.Marco-Rolfi srl, Ponte S.Marco (BS) Special set-ups for disabled ince 1964 [Italian]
blue ball Cars for disabled from Latvia

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Visual Problems

cyan ball BRAILLEnet Internet for blind people [Italian]
cyan ball Electronic Eye - An Electronic Eye applicable to glasses will help people with sight impairness to cross roads in a safer way [Italian] (15.01.2022 - link no more active: www.reuters.com/locales/c_newsArticle.jsp;jsessionid=5e9%3A419e1225%3Ab265bc43eafc7375?type=internetNews&localeKey=it_IT&storyID=6866788)
cyan ball Ecotron Communication without barriers [Italian]
cyan ball MyVoice Software for audible web sites [Italian]
small cyan ball Direct communication by the company (7/2004)
cyan ball Cambratech Products for daily autonomy [Italian]
cyan ball Catalogue of products for blind and visually impaired (15.01.2022 - link no more active: acb.org/Resources/index.html)
small cyan ball Catalogue of products for blind and visually impaired (local copy 12.01.2001)
small cyan ball Catalogue of products for blind and visually impaired (local copy 26.11.1996)
cyan ball Vendors specialized in technology for the blind (15.01.2022 - link no more active: www.nyise.org/text/vendors.htm)
small cyan ball Vendors specialized in technology for the blind (local copy 26.11.1996)
cyan ball Xerox Expert Reader Translates into voice any type of text
cyan ball Dancing Dots Aids for blind singers and musicists and for their teachers
cyan ball Office Center Tools for the blinds [Italian]
cyan ball Dolphin Computer Access - SW aids for visually impaired(15.01.2022 - link no more active: www.dolphinuk.co.uk)
cyan ball IBM VoiceType Developer's Kit Developement Kit for voice recognition [Italian]
cyan ball Visual Voice Text-to-Speech ActiveX, VBX, OCX, OLE Control, etc. technology to allow developers to add voice capacity to their programs [Italian]
cyan ball SightConnection - Products for visual problems (15.01.2022 - link no more active: www.sightconnection.com)
cyan ball Kurzweil Educational Systems Software for visually impaired and/or for people with cognitive problems
small cyan ball Kurzweil Voice Pad Word processing with voice recognition [Italian]

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Hearing Problems

green ball Ecotron Communication without barriers [Italian]
green ball CD-ROM "Deaf Language Dictionary" (LIS)" [Italian]

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Cognitive/linguistic Problems

yellow ball Innerbody - How Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Affects Sleep - Examine the causes, impacts, and treatments for sleep disturbance in individuals with ASD
yellow ball ProductDiggers - Designing the perfect Playroom for children with Autism
yellow ball Dyschoice - Help to children with learning disorders [English, Czeck]
yellow ball AIDA - FaceMouse - Intelligent aid allowing to communicate with and manage a Personal Compouter, without hands, voice or sensors. [Italian]
small yellow ball Brochure and Formal presentation Event [Italian]
yellow ball Kurzweil Educational Systems - Software for visually impaired and/or for people with cognitive problems
yellow ball Auxilia - SW aids for communication and learning [Italian]
yellow ball Finestre Aperte (Open Windows) Software Inntech to help Disabled people in the interaction with Computers, both in case of motion diseases and in the ones of learning disorders [Italian]



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