SPARC - Social Planning And Research Council

Last Update: Monday, 29-May-2006 06:13:17 PDT

106-2182 West 12th Avenue Vancouver British Columbia Canada V6K 2N4 Tel (604) 736-8118 Fax (604) 736-8697

SPARC of B.C. is a provincial non-profit society that carries out research and social planning activities, and provides public information and education to help people plan for the social well-being of their communities.

Parking Permit Program for People with Disabilities

SPARC has been working with and on behalf of people with disabilities for more than 15 years. SPARC operates a parking permit registration for people with disabilities and promotes public education about accessibilitv. SPARC has made considerable strides with this program, with over 104,000 permits issued up to 1992/93.

Community Development

SPARC assists groups and communities to look at emerging needs and opportunities. It helps people build on their strengths. SPARC emphasizes co-operation and collaboration among all sectors of the community. It seeks inclusion of those who have traditionálly been left out of planning and declslon-making.


We encourage you and your organization to become members of SPARC and to become informed of the latest trends and developments in social policies and programs. Support SPARC in its efforts to work with others towards community well-being.
As a member. vou will receive:

Over 4,000 people and 170 organizations have joined SPARC. We welcome vour membership and participation.


SPARC publishes a variety of reports and handbooks to promote public understanding and discussion of social and economic issues that concern people in B.C. communitics. These include popular examinations of the effects of government policies such as welfare and privatization, guides to building skills in community development, and explorations of alternative approaches to social issues such as housing.

Research and Consulting

SPARC's planning and rescarch team provides effective and responsive consulting services on a wide range of social issues for communities, organizations and government. The team also conducts research and publishes reports on current and emerging public policy issues. Recent work in partnership with communities includes: community health and well-being, community economic development, multicultural issues, aboriginal issues, women and planning, poverty and child welfare.
Consulting projects have included: evaluation of social and employment seryices, child care needs assessments, affordable housing studies, social planning studies, research into driver behaviour and planning for child, youth and family services.
SPARC welcomes feedback on its research, and actively seeks research partners in the community. Let us know how we can be of use to you in your community.

Community Text Tools

Community Text Tools is a desktop publishing service for non-profit and community groups. Community Text Tools provides a full range of desktop and manual print production services including newsletters, reports, brochures, flyers, Ietterhead, advertisements and questionnaires. As a non-profit based enterprise, its goal is provide low cost and community responsive desktop publishing services to community groups and organizations in the non-profit sector. Please contact us for further information on how this service could benefit you or your organization.

Contact Points

We are a charitable organization with members and directors from all regions and diverse communities of British Columbia.

For more information, please contact our Executive Director, Rupert Downing at:

         106-2182 West 12th Avenue
         Vancouver British Columbia
         Canada V6K 2N4
         Tel (604) 736-8118
         Fax (604) 736-8697
         Parking Permit Program
         Information & Enquiries
         Tel (604) 736-4367
SPARC: A federally registered charity under the Canada Income Tax Act #0303958-09-27. A provincially registered non-profit organization incorporated in 1966 under the .Societies Act of British Columbia #7493. A United Way Member Agency.



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