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Disability - Accessibility - Services

Last Update: Saturday, 15-Jan-2022 23:13:23 PST

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Hereafter you can find a list of services offered by public institutions to support perople with disabilities.

Since we cannot direclty verify all info, we cannot ensure they are error free.'
Thank you and have a nice day.

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blue ball Italy New Information arrow
yellow ball Outside of Italy

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See also...

pink ball Sport and holidays
pink ball Accessible Sites
pink ball Transports

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blue ball General
small blue ball Variuos guides for Cities accessibility [Italian] (16.01.2022 - link no more active: gate.dongnocchi.it/guide/Guida_Handicap/Tempo_Libero/tempo_libero_turismo_accessibile.htm)
blue ball Campania
small blue ball Napoli - Napoli - Assessorato alla Dignità - Dipartimento Servizi Sociali UFFICIO H [Italian] (16.01.2022 - link no more active: www.pp2000.it/benvenuti.asp)
small blue ball Napoli - DisaNet - Guide to Accessibility, Turistic and cultural [Italian] (16.01.2022 - link no more active: www.disanet.org/napolidove.htm)
blue ball Emilia Romagna
small blue ball Emilia Romagna Social services for people with disability [Italian]
small blue ball Regione Emilia Romagna - Health Service of Emilia Romagna for people with disability [Italian] (16.01.2022 - link no more active: www.saluter.it/wcm/saluter/dedicatoa/persone_disabili.htm)
small blue ball Ferrara - Centro H - Ascolto e accompagnamento - L'InformaHandicap di Ferrara [Italian] (16.01.2022 - link no more active: ww3.comune.fe.it/suv/index.phtml?id=648)
small blue ball Modena - InformaHandicap [Italian] (16.01.2022 - link no more active: www.comune.modena.it/informahandicap)
small blue ball Reggio Emilia - Farmacie Comunali Riunite - Rete dei servizi a favore delle popolazione disabile [Italian] (16.01.2022 - link no more active: www.fcr.re.it/database/fcr/farmacie.nsf/b4604a8b566ce010c125684d00471e00/1a0b2f7abdf96e44c1256d1600304f9b?OpenDocument)
blue ball Lazio
small blue ball Roma Accacomune - The Web Site of the Comune di Roma devoted to Handicap [Italian]
small blue ball Roma Metro B - Companion service for blind people (verify if already active) [Italian] New Information arrow
blue ball Lombardia
small blue ball Milano - ASL - Public Health Service of Milan city - Disability Services [Italian] (16.01.2022 - link no more active: www.asl.milano.it/protesica/home.asp)
small blue ball Lombardia Region - Services for people with Disability [Italian] (16.01.2022 - link no more active: www.famiglia.regione.lombardia.it/dis/dis.asp)
small blue ball Brescia - Accabus Transportation Service [Italian] (16.01.2022 - link no more active: www.comune.brescia.it/guide/sociali/Disabili/DSeAc.htm)
small blue ball Cremona - Social Affairs Service - Area Handicap [Italian] (16.01.2022 - link no more active: www.rccr.cremona.it/doc_comu/sociali/handicap)
small blue ball Orzinuovi (BS) - Disability Information Gate [Italian] (16.01.2022 - link no more active: www.comune.orzinuovi.bs.it/handicap/index.htm)
blue ball Marche
small blue ball Ancona - Social Services [Italian] (16.01.2022 - link no more active: www.comune.ancona.it/ancona/Il%20Comune/I%20Servizi/URPScheda_urp_27-3-2001_34847.htm)
blue ball Piemonte
small blue ball Cuneo's Province - Services for people with Disability [Italian] (16.01.2022 - link no more active: www.provincia.cuneo.it/disabili/index.jsp)
small blue ball Torino - Informa Disabile [Italian] (16.01.2022 - link no more active: www.comune.torino.it/pass/php/homepass.php)
blue ball Puglia
small blue ball Comune di Taranto - Information service for people with disability [Italian] (16.01.2022 - link no more active: www.informadiversabile.it)
Laws, fiscal bonuses, job-related information, school, training, etc. it offers a newsletter and a chat service to interact with the operators.
blue ball Sardegna
small blue ball Sassari (search for "disabili") [Italian]
blue ball Toscana
small blue ball Florence - 4 itinerary for people with disability [Italian] (16.01.2022 - link no more active: www.comune.firenze.it/viverefirenze/itinerari.html)
small blue ball Siena - Comune: Coperativa Sogno Telematico [Italian] (16.01.2022 - link no more active: www.comune.siena.it/disabinf)
blue ball Trentino
small blue ball Bolzano - Sportello Handicap [Italian] (16.01.2022 - link no more active: www.comune.bolzano.it/wincity/hand_i.htm)
blue ball Veneto
small blue ball Padova - Informahandicap [Italian] (16.01.2022 - link no more active: www.padovanet.it/serv-soc/index.htm)
small blue ball Venice - Informahandicap [Italian] (16.01.2022 - link no more active: www.comune.venezia.it/handicap)

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yellow ballAmerica
small yellow ball San Antonio - Texas (16.01.2022 - link no more active: www.sanantonio.gov/planning/disability_handbook/disability_handbook.asp)
yellow ballAustralia
small yellow ball Australian Government - Department of Family and Community Services (16.01.2022 - link no more active: www.facs.gov.au/internet/facsinternet.nsf/disabilities/nav.htm)
small yellow ball South Australia - The Disability Information & Resource Centre (16.01.2022 - link no more active: dircsa.org.au)
yellow ballLussemburgo
small yellow ball Luxembourg Info-Handicap [French]
yellow ballSingapore
small yellow ball NCSS Accessible Singapore



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